Saturday 20 July 2013


At the end of my research on McCafé@Titiwangsa, there are 38% of teenagers, 34% of adults and 28% of citizen who spending at there. 48% of Chinese and Malays who spend at McCafé while Indian only have 4% and 

the male customers stand 52% while female stand 48%.

From the research, I found out that the customers of McCafé are all above teenagers range which their age are above 17 years old, there are no children or secondary school students spend on their food and beverage.  This may due to the price that set by McCafé on their food & beverage are higher compare to McDonald's drinks and desserts. McCafé are targeting the middle-high level consumers which have more disposable income like the teenagers, they would have extra pocket money and the adult have salary or wages to spend. Another reason would be the drinks that provided by McCafé are mostly contain coffee and children are not suitable to drink and they may not like it.

Other than that, based on this research I discover that Chinese and Malay would prefer to consume at McCafé more than the Indian. Most of the Chinese teenagers would come to McCafé with a group of friends which i think they might doing assignments or chitchatting. Some of them are talking about business. Most of the Chinese citizen customer will read the newspaper while enjoying the drinks and spend their whole day at there. Besides, most of the Malays that consume at McCafé are wearing formal or company uniform which means they love to have some premium drinks during their break or lunch time. This shows that the Chinese and Malay emphasize on enjoy their drinks and life because the McCafé provided air-condition, gentle lighting, comfortable environment and premium drinks. During the observation, there are only 1 Indian customer who spend at McCafé. The reasons might be the population of Indian in Titiwangsa areas are less.

In conclusion, in order to increase the sales of McCafé, they might reset their food & beverage price to lower range and provide more range of drinks other than caffeine drinks like Chocolate latte and fresh juices. This would help  McCafé to attract more customers especially the teenagers. Due to the reasons that Titiwangsa are located in Setapak which are near to the college and university. When the students want to do their assignment or spend their leisure time they might prefer McCafé more than other coffee shop when the price and quality are comparable with others. 

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Analysis Charts =3

The above chart (Age Range) shows the percentage (%) of teenagers, adult and citizen customers of McCafé@Titiwangsa on 28th June 2013 from 2.30pm to 6.45pm. There are 38% of teenagers , 34% of Adult and 28% of citizen customers.

The 2nd pie chart shows the races of McCafé's customers. The Chinese and Malay are the major customers of  McCafé which have the same percentage of 48% and the Indian only have 4%.

The 3rd chart shows the gender of McCafé's customers.The male customers stand 52% while female stand 48% of the chart.

Customer of McCafé@Titiwangsa...

Types of Customers

The table analyze what type of customer went to McCafé on 2.30pm to 6.45pm at Titiwangsa.

  • Average of 1.1 teenagers, 1 adult, and 0.8 citizen customers spent at  McCafé during 10 sessions.
  • Average of 1.4 Chinese, 1.4 Malay, and 0.1 Indians customers spent at McCafé during 10 sessions.
  • Average of 1.5 Male and 1.4 female customers spent at McCafé during 10 sessions.